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Targeting Blockchain Data

Updated on
Jun 5, 2023

QuickAlerts expressions can target any combination of data from a block, transaction, and/or log by using tags to target blockchain data, combined with comparators and operators to form simple or complex evaluation criteria.

Tags available for EVM networks

QuickAlerts allows users to monitor EVM chains in real-time and detect important blockchain events using customizable expressions that target specific tags. The following tags can be used to target block, transaction, and transaction receipt data on EVM chains within QuickAlerts.

Block tags

The following tags can be used to target block data on EVM chains:

Block data
  • block_baseFeePerGas: The base fee per gas value for a block.
  • block_difficulty: The difficulty of the block.
  • block_extraData: Extra data associated with the block.
  • block_gasLimit: The maximum gas limit for the block.
  • block_gasUsed: The total gas used by all transactions in the block.
  • block_hash: The hash of the block.
  • block_logsBloom: The logs bloom filter of the block.
  • block_miner: The address of the miner who mined the block.
  • block_mixHash: The mix hash of the block.
  • block_number: The block number.
  • block_parentHash: The hash of the parent block.
  • block_sha3Uncles: The SHA3 hash of the uncles list of the block.
  • block_size: The size of the block in bytes.
  • block_stateRoot: The state root of the block.
  • block_timestamp: The timestamp of the block.
  • block_totalTransactions: The total number of transactions in the block.
  • block_transactionsRoot: The transactions root of the block.
  • block_totalUncles: The total number of uncles in the block.

Transaction tags

The following tags can be used to target transaction data on EVM chains:

Transaction data
  • tx_blockHash: The hash of the block that the transaction was included in.
  • tx_blockNumber: The block number that the transaction was included in.
  • tx_contractAddress: The address of the contract that the transaction interacts with.
  • tx_cumulativeGasUsed: The total amount of gas used up to this point by the transaction.
  • tx_effectiveGasPrice: The effective gas price of the transaction.
  • tx_gas: The amount of gas used by the transaction.
  • tx_gasPrice: The gas price of the transaction.
  • tx_input: The input data of the transaction.
  • tx_nonce: The nonce of the transaction.
  • tx_from: The address of the sender of the transaction.
  • tx_to: The address of the recipient of the transaction.
  • tx_transactionHash: The hash of the transaction.
  • tx_logsBloom: The logs bloom filter of the transaction.
  • tx_status: The status of the transaction.
  • tx_transactionIndex: The index of the transaction in the block.
  • tx_value: The value of the transaction.
  • tx_type: The type of the transaction.
  • tx_maxFeePerGas: The maximum fee per gas that the transaction is willing to pay.
  • tx_maxPriorityFeePerGas: The maximum priority fee per gas that the transaction is willing to pay.
  • tx_v: The recovery identifier of the transaction.
  • tx_r: The r value of the transaction.
  • tx_s: The s value of the transaction.

Transaction Receipt Tags

The following tags can be used to transaction logs and receipt data on EVM chains:

Transaction Receipt data
  • tx_logs_address: The contract address of the contract emitting the log.
  • tx_logs_topic0: The first topic in the log entry.
  • tx_logs_topic0_int: The first topic in the log entry, interpreted as an integer.
  • tx_logs_topic1: The second topic in the log entry.
  • tx_logs_topic1_int: The second topic in the log entry, interpreted as an integer.
  • tx_logs_topic2: The third topic in the log entry.
  • tx_logs_topic2_int: The third topic in the log entry, interpreted as an integer.
  • tx_logs_topic3: The fourth topic in the log entry.
  • tx_logs_topic3_int: The fourth topic in the log entry, interpreted as an integer.
  • tx_logs_data: The data payload of the log entry.
  • tx_logs_data_int: The data payload of the log entry, interpreted as an integer.
  • tx_logs_blockHash: The hash of the block containing the transaction receipt.
  • tx_logs_blockNumber: The block number of the block containing the transaction receipt.
  • tx_logs_logIndex: The index of the log within the receipt.
  • tx_logs_removed: True if the log entry has been removed from the blockchain, false otherwise.
  • tx_logs_transactionHash: The hash of the transaction containing the log.
  • tx_logs_transactionIndex: The index of the transaction within the block containing the log.

Tags available for UTXO networks

UTXO chains like Bitcoin have a different structure than EVM chains and use different tags to represent data about their blocks. The following tags can be used to target block data on UTXO chains:

Block tags

The following tags can be used to target block data on UTXO chains:

Block data
  • block_hash: The hash of the block, which uniquely identifies it.
  • block_previousBlockHash: The hash of the previous block in the chain.
  • block_nextBlockHash: The hash of the next block in the chain (if known).
  • block_height: The height of the block in the chain.
  • block_number: A numerical representation of the block's height.
  • block_size: The size of the block in bytes.
  • block_time: The time at which the block was mined, expressed as a Unix timestamp.
  • block_version: The version number of the block.
  • block_merkleroot: The Merkle root of the transactions included in the block.
  • block_bits: The encoded "difficulty target" for the block.
  • block_nonce: A value used in mining the block, combined with the hash of the block header to meet the difficulty target.
  • block_difficulty: A measure of how difficult it was to mine the block.
  • block_txCount: The number of transactions included in the block.
  • block_totalFees: The total amount of fees paid by transactions in the block.

Transaction tags

The following tags can be used to target transaction data on UTXO chains:

Transaction data
  • tx_txId: The unique identifier for a transaction.
  • tx_blockHash: The hash of the block that contains the transaction.
  • tx_blockHeight: The height of the block that contains the transaction.
  • tx_confirmations: The number of confirmations that the transaction has received.
  • tx_blockTime: The time that the block containing the transaction was added to the blockchain, measured in Unix time.
  • tx_value: The amount of cryptocurrency sent in the transaction.
  • tx_valueIn: The total value of the inputs used in the transaction.
  • tx_fees: The fees paid by the sender of the transaction.
  • tx_from: The address that sent the transaction.
  • tx_to: The address that received the transaction.
  • tx_isAddress: A Boolean value that indicates whether the address is valid or not.
  • tx_n: The index of the transaction within the block.
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